New Writer and Looking to Get Paid? Open This, I Got You

Here’s where you can start earning money early in your career

Ted Moreno
5 min readJul 18, 2022
Photo by Chris Spiegl on Unsplash

The internet is like its own country with its own jobs, its own pay structures, and the deepest job pool you could imagine.

It just makes sense to look for an online remote job, and one of the best of them is being a freelance writer.

My life changed forever when I handed in my notice at my operations job and set out to become a full-time, unattached freelance writer. I’ve gotten to write about everything from project management to weight loss, from digital sustainability to sex.

But starting out on the journey can be tough to figure out. There’s a lot of half-baked information there.

People want you to read their story, but they don’t want to give away all the goods; otherwise, you won’t come back and read another.

I promise you, if you read this article, you will know exactly where to go to find paying work as a newbie writer. But please understand, this won’t be the overnight, get rich quick stuff.

My suggestions pay, yes, but more importantly, they give the real experience of being a freelance writer. Exposure to editors, feedback, structure, and flow.



Ted Moreno

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