What’s So Great About Solo Traveling, Anyway?

Italy. Pizza. Writing at my computer from a cramped bunk bed.

Ted Moreno
5 min readJul 11, 2023
Photo by Andrae Ricketts on Unsplash

Influencers want you to believe that solo traveling as a freelancer is key to happiness.

They post pictures of the sun, sea, and leaning towers in order to sell a lifestyle.

Or, to sell a course on how to make money just like them!

Personally, I’ve struggled with the idea of going out into the world by myself. But they tempt me. They got me tempted.

So I booked a flight to Pisa, Italy, and here I am.

Has solo traveling enriched my life? I have some thoughts.

The Big Italian Mess Around

I’m in Pisa because it was the cheapest flight, cheaper, in fact, than traveling to London by train. (Trains in the UK are CRAZY).

Italy is somewhere I’ve always wanted to go, although I’d pictured Rome or Venice as the first destination.

And that brings me to the first surprise — Pisa is great. It’s easy to get around, with plenty of bars and a strong traveler community.

The lesson here is to be open to new experiences — something I’ve always struggled with.



Ted Moreno

Building focus thieves and making internet content better for everyone. Weekly newsletter: www.focusthieves.com